
2、to scorn =pour scorn on sb sth 嘲笑或挖苦某人某事 point the finger of scorn at sb 奚落某人, 嘲笑某人 think hold it scorn to do 不屑做 think scorn of 藐视, 瞧不起。

3、scorn , and disdain less often apply to persons In this they differ from the corresponding nouns and from despise , which apply with equal freedom to persons and。

4、Scorn takes a look into the trials and tribulations of a group of people dealing with relationships, love, pain and friendship during the course of one year Scorn。

scorn知识概括(extricate)  第1张


6、content Top Gap By what name was Scorn 2020 officially released in India in English? Answer More to explore Recently viewed Please enable browser。

scorn知识概括(extricate)  第2张


8、Scorn 这样一款从头到尾看着都有点恶心的作品,希望正在吃东西的你做好准备再提醒一遍,真的是从头到尾都有点恶心2。

9、In life, there is nothing that cannot be surmounted by scorn And he is a walking example of that But still, when we look back at ourselves。



12、在特殊情况下scorn an idea 鄙视一个想法scorn to do 不屑于做某事pour scorn on 嗤之以鼻,不屑一顾a fatal flaw 致命错误a flaw in a。

13、The man surnamed Sun, who was videoed as occupying a girl's seat on a highspeed train to Beijing earlier this week, was fined 2.0